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What is real health?

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You are doing everything right. Eating healthy, you have an active lifestyle, you sleep 8 hours or more, and try to avoid stress.

Well, I can check all of that with ease and yet my "health" is a rare case. Despite what it may look like, I suffer from PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), lost period, infertility and other complications.

This is not a pity party.

In the light of breastfeeding and women`s month, I would like to share my story with you. One of the things a woman was designed or created to do, is have a monthly period. In 2018, my husband and I decided that we were ready to start our biggest dream - to have our own family. We are both extremely passionate about children and would love one of our own, but our path sure started uphill. Fast forward almost two years later - still no sign of my period, lots of medication, injections, bloodworks, failed IVF, procedures and lots of tears and prayers.

Healthy is not always what we think.

I have always been one of those people who thought that healthy means fit, strong, having a healthy diet and a relationship with the Man above. I was wrong. Here I am. I am not unhealthy, but things are not working. Each female's` body works on its own individual, amazing way. Because of this, it was - and still is - even more tricky to get to the core of the problem. When I heard the words "too skinny, you need to gain weight", it was a massive shock to my system. Even though I thought I was healthy, my body did not function at its best. I have come to the conclusion that we all need to listen to our own bodies and not the internet or social media. As said in the Bible,"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14.

We as women need to encourage each other and not forget how we are made and what we were made for.

Keep hoping.

That is what I keep on telling myself. Believe, and there will be hope.

Here I am now in August - finally showing some results. 10 kg's heavier than usual. But you know what? For the first time in a long time, I am fine with that. This is what my body needs.

This post is really making a long story short, and I feel like I am jumping and fast forwarding through all of the pain and hardship and detail. I guess all I want to say is, once again - hold on to hope. As hard as it was I can already see the silver lining and a little bit of hope. This hope is the hope that every woman needs. God is good and hope is never lost.

Happy women`s month!




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